Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day -21: Grass

Here's another poem by a former student that I discovered in my files.


The green grass
looks like money
Its dark as
Light as paint.
Moves like
hands waving.
Looks like

For the illustration, s/he (I don't remember who wrote it and there's no name!) drew a bunch of blades of grass, except three of the blades in the middle of the field had turned into little hands waving.

We finally finished state standardized testing today. Hooray! And I would wager that most of my students bombed the questions on figurative language. Did you know that fourth graders are supposed to be able to correctly identify similes, metaphors, personification, and hyperbole? Can the average U.S. adult do this? Plus, my students need to know the terms for these literary devices in both English and Spanish. I wish I could submit their poems as evidence that they can use figurative language in interesting ways, but nope, that is not to be. Their poems don't matter; their bubbles do.


Teaching high school doesn't usually sound that appealing to me, but this project, sort of related to grass, makes working with high school students seem pretty awesome.

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