Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day -15: Japan Is Cooler than China

At least that's what Alex thinks (Alex of the "I rest my case" comment a few days back).

I was hanging out with Alex and a few other kids at the Book Fair after school. (Oh, the excitement the Book Fair creates ... but that's another story.) He spotted a book in a new Magic School Bus series that centers on social studies rather than science themes. In this particular installment, Ms. Frizzle takes her class to China.

Alex flipped through the book briefly and then put it back. "That looks cool," I said.

"Yeah," Alex answered half-heartedly, "but I'm more into Japan than China."

"Really? Why?" I asked.

"Japan is cooler than China," he elaborated. "Japan has cool cartoons. And Tokyo looks like the future."


Tonight was Open House. I love Open House, but I didn't get home until 9:00, having worked more than 13 hours straight with about a 10-minute break for lunch. I'll post a few photos tomorrow.

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