Tuesday, April 17, 2007


As a teacher about to leave teaching (at least temporarily), I'm going to try to post once a day for these last 42 days of school to help me remember what teaching is like. My days are packed with interactions, and when I come home from work, images and conversations from my day often come flooding back to me. I hope recording some of those interactions here will be fun and useful for me and also might provide a window into the world of teaching for anyone who stops by.

A few notes:
1) The anonymity of my students and my school is important to me. If you are reading this and you know me and where I work, please don't refer to me, my school, or my students by name!

2) Since documenting conversations with students without using names at all seems cumbersome, I will give my students pseudonyms when I write about them.

I hope you have fun reading!

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